Friday, December 22, 2017

Good-Bye 2017

What a year 2017 has been.  Some years zoom by with relative sameness as past years.  For us 2017 was not like past years!

We started off the year with big plans for Pear Creek Cottage to attend the Business Boutique one day event in Sacramento, California.  This was Pear Creek Cottage's first "Live Event".  Taking ones on-line business to a "Live Event" is revealing, to say the least.  Learning to display items; engage in conversations that are in real time and not "virtual", and using different financial services for handling transaction were all part of our learning curve.  But, we LOVED it!  Meeting other women who are either in business, or dreaming of starting a business was such and encouragement and inspiration to us.  It was a big booster shot.

After returning home from this event, Terri and I were hustling.  We were super busy through-out the Spring and Summer.  Not only with filling orders and running the business, but we also were planning and creating for the Super Business Boutique Event in Nashville.  The plan was formulated, and to be executed by Jan and her husband Jerry. 

Yet another curve ball came our way in July of 2017 when we were notified of Jerry's pending layoff from his company.  Not what we were expecting as we had carefully planned trip expenses to Nashville.  We had decided to drive and take some extended time traveling since we were coming from California.  As the clock ticked down and the departure date arrived, we had by that time gone back and forth on the practicality of attending the event so far from home. 

The practical side was tugging on us to "throw in the towel" and claim defeat as our plans were shattered.  But, we are people of faith!  We made the decision to step out in faith, believing that this wonderful opportunity that had come to us was a gift given by our Father in Heaven.  So, against conventional wisdom, we stepped out and drove ourselves back to Nashville for the Big Business Boutique Event.

Along the drive, we were encouraged and had our spirits lifted by the adventure of "not knowing" what exactly was next.  Expectancy and excitement were our companions as we literally were moving forward in faith, believing that the risk we were taking was and still is part of our growth process.

Seeing the different parts of America as we drove to our destination was also a moral booster for both of us.  We have always dreamed of driving across country and exploring this great nation.  So, we decided to enjoy the adventure and the scenery, even though some states topography are not our favorites, we did find beauty in the diversity.

There was so much to absorb and learn at the BB in Nashville.  I am still applying the notes I took, and making changes and adjustments to my business to help grow and blossom in 2018.
Needless to say it was overwhelming and invigorating all in one.  To see the power of women believing in their dreams, and the people who are behind them helping them realize their dreams is a powerful force.  Many husbands also attended the BB, which kind of surprised me, but then, on the other hand, inspired me.  Seeing the men, behind the women believing in "the dream" sometimes even more, than the woman herself is amazing.
I had my own support team rooting and cheering behind the scenes and in the grandstands! Thank you to my family and friends who have supported and believed in me, all the way.  Of course, I too had my husband right there by my side. Speaking life giving words of hope and encouragement over me.  Also, I had the very best traveling companion.  My best friend and my soulmate.
As we come to the close of this year, and look forward with anticipation to the faith adventures that await us in 2018,  we especially want to THANK YOU for all your support, belief, love and favor that you've blessed us with this year.  It may not seem like a big thing to you, but by supporting our small business you are believing in our dreams and promoting us to move forward in helping others realize their dreams as well.  So ,a huge big Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.  Looking forward to exploring 2018 with you.

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