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As the big, "6"-"0" approaches for me, and has already captured my husband, Jerry...we are looking into what is next? What is next for us as a couple? What is next for Pear Creek Cottage? What does the future hold fo us? Lots of big and life altering questions.
We sure don't have all the answers. Actually, I'm not sure we have any of the answers! ha ha. All that to say that often, my mind gets lost in the wondering.
During my pondering time, I took some time to stop and reflect over the 8 years of Pear Creek Cottage's existence. It is amazing to look back and remember. When I first opened I had a few items listed, most were needle felted items I handmade. Slowly new items came into the shop and it began to morph into what it looks like today. When I started selling felt shapes, I had no idea all the wonderful customers I would come in contact with. Many of these customers have become dear friends.
May I introduce you to one such customer? Her name is Beverly Grayson. I met Beverly because she purchased our felt die cut stars. Beverly crochets American Flags, state flags, and other countries flags. Here are some photos of her beautiful work. She even sent a flag to The President and First Lady, and received this hand addressed thank you note in return.
What a gem she is! I feel so honored to have met her and become friends with her. Beverly shared a little of her story with me, which gave me more insight into the beautiful person she is. Beverly was raised in an Army home. Both of her parents served in the Army. During the Vietnam War, Beverly, and her siblings lived with her grandmother. It was there she learned how to crochet and sew. As time marched on, and life faded away, Beverly had to say good-bye to 4 different family members within a very short amount of time. Planning 3 separate military funerals for brothers, and parents.
She took up crocheting again as a way to bring healing to her heart and keep her mind and hands busy. She began to crochet American flags as a way of honoring her family, and to begin healing from the ache of missing her family. Beverly has added state flags, and even the Dallas Cowboys flags to her crocheted flags offerings. She shared that she enjoys the excitement of seeing someone who receives her flags. Beverly sells her flags on Facebook. Here is a link to her Facebook page, if you are interested in seeing more of her flags, and maybe ordering one for yourself! Beverly Stivner Grayson
I just love this story! To me it speaks of unity and compassion. Neighbors carrying about each other.
"I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Thank you Beverly for allowing me to share your story, and for the opportunity to serve you by cutting stars...but mostly for your sweet friendship.
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