No, the title reflects a continual struggle of mine...whether to do or be.
I am a recovering workaholic. Recovering because I will never have reached completeness this side of heaven. I often have wrong thoughts that tell me; "You must be DOing something! That is where your worth and value your performance."
Sometimes I muddle in this puddle of incorrect thinking, until I reach out for the life line that is always available through Jesus. He offers a rope of hope. He reminds me that I am precious in His sight. That He chose me. He offers abiding in Him for peace, stability, comfort, and correct thinking.
With starting my business I have definitely been in the "DOing" mode. The feeling of having to "make it." It's all up to me to make this know...that kind of thinking.
Then Jesus reminds me, often through friends and family, that it is not about ME, "making it"...but about HIM accomplishing HIS work in and through me. that is the amazing difference of doing and being. Doing requires pressure and time limits and the thinking that says; "It's all up to me." Being requires resting in God's promises...that He is able.
To sum up my continual lesson: When I get in my "DOing" mode I get anxious, fearful, irritable, confused, questioning, and all the doubts that come with functioning in my own abilities. When I am "BEing", I relax in the truth of knowing God and His word and His character.
Yes, I still "do" in the "BEing"...but the difference is?: I am listening to my Father's voice directing me in the work that He has for me. I have a little cross stitch picture that I made almost 20 years ago; to remind me of this very thing. The picture is of an Amish couple sitting by a door with the words above reading: "My God is able"
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
2 Cor. 9:8 NIV
When I get stuck in the DOing mode, one thing I do is reflect on God's word...and one of my favorite ways to do this is by looking at Angela's beautiful photography of Cades Cove in of my favorite places to visit.
This is one of her photos that I am fond of. Please check out more of her work at:

I am reminded of the verse of song..."In shady green pastures". The words float thru my mind. May I be sensitive to your leading Oh Good Shepherd.