Today is my birthday! June 18th. I am celebrating life! The life that God gave to me.
He breathed into me, and brought me to life 56 years ago. I am so thankful.
I am learning to be happy with where I am at. To rest in the moment, instead of pushing through, trying to become "better", by doing more. Learning to rest in who God made me to be. That it is okay to "do" things that I enjoy, and bring refreshment to my isn't selfish. It is part of caring for the self that God designed and made me to be. Appreciating who I am, and how He made me.
I'm easily distracted and become distorted in my thinking. I start to believe that my life is based on my performance, instead of who I am in Christ Jesus.
I am so thankful for my Shepherd. Jesus. Who gently leads and guides me back onto the path. My kind Shepherd pokes and prods, ever so gently to steer me back on course. My Shepherd is also, El Shammah- The LORD who is there.
Today, I will celebrate by spending quiet time by the "still waters". I will "lie down in green grass" by enjoying being in the outdoors...breathing in fresh air. Filling my lungs with life giving air. I will spend time doing things that restore my soul. Creating with my hands. Spending time with family.